This meant that all that happened was I sat in the back of lectures thinking "Nope Nope Nope", and that it would just double my work load.
On top of that, cucumber-rails has the added bonus of breaking all machines running windows. Not really an appropriate tool to pick to teach us TDD on windows university PCs with.
Then along came capybara.
The great thing is you can basically write all your tests as variations on a few commands.
- Click_on "some_button_id"
- Page.should have_content "some #{dynamic} content"
- visit some_path
- current_path.should eq some_path
- fill_in "field name", :with => "some #{dynamic} content"
That is pretty much it. With capybara, it is like sitting behind someone telling them what to do, it is no longer complicated or cumbersome and your testing doesn't need to be complicated buggy code of its own. It is REALLY simple and I like it. I like it a lot. It even encourages you to make your HTML better documented as if there is a page with a hundred DELETE buttons, you don't want to accidentally click on the one for yourself.
Mix it with Factory_Girl and you are flying in seconds!
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