Wednesday, 7 March 2012

A small note on gem dependencies.

It is sad that a really cool gem like Twitter-Bootstrap-Rails depends on Less-Rails, it is in turn that Less-Rails depends on Less, and it is a shame that Less depends on Libv8, and again that Libv8 depends on JS gems other than execjs.
This means that it does not autodetect a javascript engine like nodejs which means that they chose a specific gem (therubyracer) that only works on linux.

This chain of dependencies is unavoidable, I know. And less seems quite cool though I prefer the meta-programming like scss way more, but forcing gems built on gems build on therubyracer locks it unavoidably to mac or linux.


Turns out there is a version of Twitter-Bootstrap that uses static CSS, which can be used with this in your gemfile: gem 'twitter-bootstrap-rails', :git => "git://", :branch => "static"

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